Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week is this week this year, ending today.

It is such an incredibly important topic, and as someone who is currently going through some hard times, having a week to get more people thinking is great.

Their big theme this year is stress, and the effects it has on our mental health.

Stress is something that many people have to deal with, and I know that most people in my year at school are currently stressed about exams. As much as stress helps us, too much stress can make existing health issues much worse (trust me, I know).

For more information, mental health foundation's website can be found here.

For those struggling/living with mental health issues: you are not alone. I know that it can feel like you are, but you are not. Remember that people love you and care about you. And if you have a relapse, don't beat yourself up, okay? It's a long uphill battle, and it will get better (I'm currently walking up a very very steep hill at the moment).
And if you haven't told anyone, talking is a great help. Talk to someone- a friend, a teacher, a colleague, a family member.

And for those helping friends/family with mental health issues: well done and thank you! I know that for me, a hug and a kind word can go a long way. And don't be disheartened if your friend/family member doesn't seem to be improving- just stay with them and continue to help.

All my love to everyone who is struggling in any way. I hope that one day, you can reach for the stars. <3


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