Ikea and Sid

For those of you who have been to Ikea, you will agree with me when I say that it is a wonderful place. For those who haven't, think of a restaurant mixed with furniture and you pretty much get the idea. (Besides, you must have heard the glorious tales of losing one's way and one's family...who hasn't?)

My family go on a day trip to Ikea. We start off early (it takes an hour in the car- eugh) and have breakfast when we get to Ikea (apart from my youngest sister- she threw up once because she hadn't eaten anything and we had to go home and it was a sad day for us all).

Then we walk around the Showroom section, looking at how the rooms are all set out and choosing which kitchens we'd like. (I basically adopt the one bedroom apartment- if you've gone to Ikea, you'll know what I'm talking about).

After this wandering, we enter the Market Hall and this is where we spend most of our money. (*cough* over one hundred pounds *cough*) (I only bought a new pillow, so this money spending was not my fault)

The Market Hall contains everything from knives to carpets (the two most important things obviously). But after we have bought all these things that we *totally* need, we have lunch.

Lunch at Ikea is truly marvellous. Swedish meatballs, mashed potato, Daim cake, apple pie (obviously I do not eat all of these things at once), free coffee/tea (if you have the family card). But alas, today I was literally dying of exhaustion, so I just had a slice of Daim cake and a cup of coffee. Tragic, I know.

And then we go home, listening to music (sometimes) or BBC Radio 4 (more often than not).

It is a precious thing to be invited to Ikea with us, and so few have had that privilege. But I urge you to go (especially with siblings/friends) and play among the many shelfs (we play a game of team It which is nerve-racking).

But yeah, that's what I did today. Fun times.

Image result for sid ice ageAlso, as a side note, by sister said that I look like Sid, from Ice Age. Basically, one of my friends took a weird picture of me eating on DofE, and said that I look like an alpaca/a llama, but my sister said that I look more Sid.

And the sad thing is, I kinda agree.

(Sid is the creature on the right, in case you weren't sure).


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