Cats and Cheesecake

Happy Monday everyone! I hope that your weekend was wonderful, and you didn't burn too much (I burnt my legs and they hurt a lot).

We visited my mum's family this weekend. My parents stayed with my aunt and my uncle, and we (my sisters and I) stayed with my cousin and her boyfriend in their new house (very exciting!). We watched 'The Greatest Showman' (amazing) and we also watched 'A Street Cat Named Bob', as per the title (the cat, Bob, is ginger and the cutest little thing ever).

This film was stunning. It's so adorable, and perfectly encases what being a cat owner is like, while also taking on big issues such as addiction and homelessness. And what's more, it is based on a true story! Go and watch it, I promise you that it will be amazing.

I also went swimming in the sea on Saturday. Most of my mum's family lives by the sea, and so we went down at high tide and swam for a bit (and my sister choked and splashed because she can't swim). I actually got really cold, although it was nice to cool down for a bit.

And as for the other part of the title, I made cheesecake yesterday- in a Thermomix! (If you don't know what that is, look it up and be amazed) It was only plain vanilla with fruit on top, but it tasted lovely and fresh. My aunt is gluten free, so the biscuit base was made up of gluten free biscuits, but it was a very pretty dessert.

As you can see, it is a beautiful cheesecake (and it's so easy to make!)

Anyway, have a lovely week! The quote this week is from Alexis Flora Hope: "Kittens are angels with whiskers." 😸


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