Today was Eventful


Today was eventful.


For those of you in my school, and for those of you who may have studied or are studying GCSE Geography, you will know what I am talking about (maybe).

For those of you who didn't or don't: we went on a *nice* trip to the beach (Walton-on-the-Naze) to look at the coast.

In all fairness, it is for part of our exam, because one of our topics is about coasts and it forms part of our case study questions, but it was a slight waste of my time.

The beach itself was pretty unimpressive (but most English beaches are) and I spent more time on the coach (yay: I so do love coaches) than doing any fieldwork.

And, of course, we got swarmed by seagulls because someone (I'm looking at you, people from my school) kept feeding them.

To be honest, I'd rather do English Language, or Maths, or even my Food coursework (that is due rather soon and I have to cut down on so many words- aghhh).

Virtual Reality should have been the way to go today. Although, I suppose a class of thirty students throwing fake oranges at the fake waves would have been terrifying to watch if not part of the virtual reality.

Also, if you liked my post about Values and Experiences Day at my school in May (post can be found by clicking here), then look out (or subscribe...) for a post coming tomorrow, or maybe the day after depending on time) about tomorrow's Values and Experiences Day.

It is promising to be even more exciting. *gasp* See you! x


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