Am I A Cat (Thoughts Please)

I went to IKEA today, which was fun, although I got pretty tired about halfway around the showroom. And when I get tired, there are different levels of tired.
Sleepy tired- this is when I basically become a cat (speaking of cats, I have received a lot of cat-related gifts recently...).
Exhausted tired- so exhausted that I can't keep my eyes open. Will probably just fall asleep no matter where I am.
Loony tired- tired to the point of (almost) insanity. I say weird stuff (that should be written down because it would make a bestselling comedic book) and people tend to laugh at me (or call me cute. I don't know which is worse).

But I was loony tired in IKEA, which was probably the highlight of my trip. That, or me leaving my phone in the toilet and having to go back and get it- scariest minute of my life.

Moving on to why we went to IKEA- so that I could get some more storage boxes/folders (and my family bought stuff as well) because the best part of Christmas is (obviously) being able to put everything away neatly/giving everything a place.

Or maybe it's the cardboard boxes that are left around so that I can nap in them (kidding, of course I don't nap in cardboard boxes- that would be weird).

Anyway, I'm now watching Collateral on BBC iPlayer because it only has four episodes and it's good, but I keep expecting David Tennant or Karen Gillian to appear so as to further complete a Doctor Who special (both John Simm and Billie Piper star in Collateral, if you didn't know)

So I'm going to continue doing that, and I'll leave you to ponder my question (in the title, read it)- my friend saw a book of cat poems, thought cats and poetry, and bought it for me.

Take that as you will.


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