Outwit Your Friends (Only Possible If You Know Them Well Enough)

Hey guys!

So yesterday, while we were going to Pizza Express for my sister's birthday (I got nice and travel sick, as you do), I remembered the rave that I went to a few years ago, and thought that I'd tell you all about it.

At least, tell you about the bits I can remember.

It was at least three years ago.

But anyway- the rave!

A rave, by the way, is apparently an organised dance party at a nightclub, outdoor festival, warehouse, or other private property. I mean, I guess the rave I went to was like this?

It was a rave in Ely Cathedral (Rave in the Nave is a pretty awesome name, and never fails to make me laugh) so private property? And I did dance- on the Wii (we did Timewarp and it was amazing). There was music (and I guess dancing?) but I don't remember who played, or what they played- but I'm assuming it was Christian Rock, or something similar.

What else was there?

Well, I went with a friend, and we met up with some other people we knew. I remember doing some circus skills stuff- this was back when I was still trying to learn how to juggle- and there was some reflection section of the cathedral, where we could pray and do some quiet activities (although the music could be heard everywhere, so I'm fairly sure it wasn't quiet).

My friend (if she remembers this) should say that her favourite part was the ball pit that we climbed into, because I had to sit awkwardly in the corner while she just buried herself and refused to move.

Go figure.

Next story (because interesting things actually happened to me this week): So I was playing this game with my friends/sisters yesterday on our phones. There is a question about one of the people playing, and everyone has to come up with an answer. The aim is to get as many people as possible to pick your answer.

The question was thus: "Jeff (because, for some reason, that's my name on the game) is called away on a secret mission that only they can handle. What is it?"

These were the five possible answers (I mean, there's no correct answer, but) that people came up with:

  1. To go back in time and act undercover in the Tudor era
  2. To drink all the tea
  3. To hug a bookshelf
  4. To collect all the cats (this was me, by the way)
  5. MI6 need help arranging their bags in alphabetical order

I mean, this is a pretty good legacy to have, isn't it? History-lover, tea-drinker, book-lover, cat-lady, neat and tidy.

I'm happy with that.

Oh, and if you want to download the game and play with your friends, it's called Psych! and I suggest that you download it.

Have a good day. I'm going back to Maths/Physics revision. Fine times, indeed.


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