Do You Know What A Flavoured Reed Is? Don't Ask Me, I Play The Flute

I found this in my draft folder the other day, and even though I don't actually go to Sinfonia anymore (due to the joy of exams), I thought that maybe I'd add some of the stuff to today's post. So, enjoy, I guess?

I play flute in a few music groups, most of them are at school, but that's cool. Church has the better acoustics, and surprisingly I have about the same amount of space whether I play at school or squished in the corner at church.

It doesn't help that playing the flute means (probably) poking the person next to you with your instrument.

And playing the flute also means that tuning involves playing the note, pulling out/pushing in the head and saying close enough, knowing full well that the flute will heat up as you play and will go out of tune again.

The joy of being musical.

And this is what I was going to write a post about: we have a question at the beginning of orchestra, or at least, we used to. But anyway, here are some examples with my answer:

  • Favourite Chocolate Bar- Bounty or Mars (apparently not many people like coconut though? Weird, I know)
  • Least favourite instrument- Flute (amusing considering I play the flute) (got lots of weird looks) (and it's probably actually a piccolo because they're too high)
  • Dream Job- Author (but Prime Minister, University Professor or bakery/cafe owner would be good too)
  • Superpower- Control of the elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth (apparently not a superpower but I disagree because 'The Last Airbender'?)
  • Current book that I'm reading- Doctor Zhivago (a good book, and my parents named me after the main female character)
  • Binge watching TV show- Criminal Minds (nobody had heard of it, which is sad because it's amazing) (and also everyone kinda things that I'm a tad unhinged)
  • Favourite musical- Rent (it's awesome)
  • Reed flavour (weird, and I don't quite know why this was a question someone thought of...)- Earl Grey Tea (sue me, I like posh teas)
  • Favourite dessert- Creme Brulee (because I love custard and using a blowtorch is fun)
  • Favourite vegetable- broccoli is obviously the superior vegetable, no questions asked

Yeah. I know some weird things about other people now.

But I have another thing to say about English Language revision/the actual exam- I often recognise the name of the author who wrote the extract that we have to answer questions on, but I also can't often remember what they wrote, which means that I'll focus on that rather than the exam.

Examples: Ray Bradbury (I had to look this one up, then facepalmed because duh- he wrote Fahrenheit 451 and that's an amazing book)
Also Daphne du Maurier (I did know this one, but I just had to check it- Rule Britannia- which was a great book).

But other than that realisation, revision is going well. I hope that everyone else's revision is also going well, and I'm thinking of you all as we head into the last few days of half term!

You are amazing.


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