Voila, with a Shiny New Post

So exams have well and truly started (yay) and my friend still told me that I needed to update my blog, and voila!

Hope you're happy, friend. ☺️

Exams done: French Reading/Listening, Biology 1, English Lit 1. To be honest, I think that they all went okay, for GCSEs.

It still doesn't feel like I'm doing actual, proper exams though. Will it ever? I don't know. Maybe when I get my results.

But that's ages away, and besides, I still have two more exams this week alone, so revising it is.

Fear not, however, for I am having rests and tea breaks (lots of tea breaks, because I love tea). I've been watching TV- like Ghosts (on BBC iPlayer) which was created by the old Horrible Histories cast, and also the new Taskmaster episode (I was actually crying with laughter yesterday when we watched it, which is, of course, better than just crying).

And tomorrow, as I go on Study Leave (which will be weird, no?) I will be hopefully going on a run. I mean, I could get up earlier to go for a run, but why would I do that to myself?

Ooh, and I had a new exam dream/nightmare last night! Basically, every so often, when I'm a bit stressed before an exam, I have a dream where it goes horribly wrong.

English Language: I could not turn the page over, so the only thing I could do for 105 minutes was write my name on the front

English Literature (last night): (we do one question about Macbeth and one about A Christmas Carol, by the way) so I started writing my answer to Macbeth, then realised that it was awful so screwed it up and threw it behind me (at the person sitting there I guess?) and started again. Then I didn't actually answer the Christmas Carol question and it was awful.

Ethics (saved the best 'til last): okay, so basically I wasn't doing too well so I stood up and ran out of the exam hall with my paper, saying that if they couldn't mark it then they couldn't fail me. Next thing I know, I'm running down the street to my house, pursued by the examiners in their cars (how I managed to outrun cars, I don't know because I can't even outrun my cat) and they still couldn't get my exam paper.


I am also currently in the stage of my life where I am trying on various prom dresses, also known as the 'prom dress adventures'. Not going to lie, I'm not really enjoying it, mostly because I can't actually walk properly in them? I have to hitch up the front skirts when I walk, like some Victorian maid running, which I'm fairly sure isn't how it's supposed to go.

Oh well.

That's it for today, folks. Back to revision/work/sitting on your phone (@my little sister). Au revoir *bows*.


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