Dancing Can Actually Be Fun (Who Knew?)!

Yesterday, I had my prom. I've been looking forward to writing a post about it probably longer than I've been looking forward to prom (this is mostly because I was fairly nervous about going to prom in the first place). And this post was going to be a slightly satirical account of my time: foiled by the fact that I did actually enjoy myself a lot.

Pre-prom was fun simply because all my friends were basically just hanging out in my garden as various people did hair/makeup. The only unfun thing was that my sister kept poking me in the face when doing my makeup because she is evil and mean.

I'm joking. She's lovely. She did my makeup and my hair. What bad things could I possibly say about her now?

One of my friends actually started crying when she saw us, which was lovely because being told that you look amazing is wonderful, but it was also worrying because makeup and tears do not mix well. But we did all look beautiful, and I now have so many photos- some are nicely posed, some are candid shots of us laughing/talking, and some are of us frowning and/or squinting into the sun.

Travelling to prom was also fun, despite my hair being slightly windswept as I went with another friend in an open-topped car. It was also terrifying as we had to climb out of the car with what seemed like everybody watching, although I did say that one of our other friends would probably fall out of the campervan they came in, meaning that everyone would watch her instead.

She didn't, luckily, and we got inside with no trouble. Mostly- the campervan had to be pushed off by some of the teachers. An excellent departure?

And the actual dancing was fun as well. Even though I went deaf and went home with buzzing in my ears, like a bee was stuck in my brain. Some of the music requested was not good but most of it was alright, and, of course, we all did the cha-cha slide and the macarena and the YMCA. And sang very loudly (and also probably very badly) to 'Living on a Prayer'.

So the whole evening was enjoyable, despite what I had predicted. There was no dancing on tables, but I did get dragged into a photo booth with my five friends which was interesting.

But anyway.

I also was the last person to be picked up, which meant very awkward conversations with teachers as well as shivering in the cold air of the night.

I did get home though, drank a pint of water, and slept for ages.

For future reference (those of you who are yet to go to prom) bring flats with you, or just take off your heels. Whilst it was amazing to be able to walk in them (and there was a certain amount of pride to the fact that I did not take them off the whole time, even though my feet were in so much pain) you can dance so much better without them.

Oh, and remember to drink something (water, for example, is a good idea). Dancing for that long in a crowd of people tends to make you dehydrated.

I didn't go to after-prom, and I do not regret that for an instant. Four hours of social interaction via dancing was quite enough for me, besides the fact that my feet were on fire and I was exhausted. I'm not sure how those who continued dancing late into the night fared, but I hope you're all alive...

So, this isn't quite the post I anticipated, but I think that it's still a good thing to document how much I actually did enjoy prom. For those of you thinking about going next year- do!

And now anything vaguely secondary school related is over until Results' Day in August (I have an induction day on Tuesday though, for Sixth Form). Which I'm not looking forward to, surprisingly enough.

The summer truly begins here.


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