No!! Don't Pass The Beach Ball To Larry...Larry's a Narwhal!

Happy last day of GCSEs!!

For most of us. Not me, because I do Add Maths. And not for people who do German. It's sad.

But, for me anyway, Add Maths doesn't really matter and so I'm 'celebrating' today. My mum and I went out for lunch- I had an amazing lemon meringue pie, which always reminds me of when I made it in a food class. Then we went to W.H.Smiths and I now am the proud owner of two new books and a fluffy notebook with an adorable picture of a narwhal on it.

I love narwhals. I have narwhal socks that are glittery. Narwhals are great. I mean, who couldn't love this beautiful creature? 

Oooh! Speaking of narwhals, have you read 'Why The Whales Came' by Michael Morpurgo? It's one of my favourite books by him, I think, alongside 'War Horse', 'Private Peaceful' and 'Running Wild'.

Anyway. Onto politics. 

No, I'm just going to say that I don't know exactly who I'd like to become our next wonderful leader (*cough* not Michael Gove *cough*) but I just thought that everybody should know, if you don't already, that Boris Johnson's full name is Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson and he has a daughter also named Lara...but it is nice to know someone else has my name. Apart from Lara Croft, that is (did anyone else see the Larazade that was being sold to commemorate the new Lara Croft game?).

But I just like politics at the moment because 'Mock the Week' and 'Have I Got News For You' make fun of it all so very well.

Also, I've been watching this BBC drama called 'Years and Years' (there are only five episodes at the moment, so you can totally watch it in a day) which is brilliant. It's set in the near future, which makes everything that happens slightly more terrifying because I can see it all actually happening. But anyway it is truly amazing and I urge you to watch it.

Unless you don't like near future stuff like that where the whole world kind of collapses. Then it's probably not for you.

So that's the end of this post. Sorry that I haven't written anything for what seems like ages- I've been really busy, surprisingly enough.

I shall leave you with this beautiful picture and the repeated command to "Be Magical" this week, in any way you can.

(Also this is my 100th post, so WOOHOO)


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