Don't Eat The Mice!!

WOAH is this an update I see? It is, my dear friends- I am here to bestow wisdom upon you once more, only four days after my last wisdom-bestowing post.

Aren't you so very lucky.

My sister is currently decorating her room, which is next to mine, so there's the wafting of paint down the corridor and in my room, so I may seem out of sorts...also I have a massive headache and I'm very very tired so there's that too.


I may be a little excited. But anyway. So there's the paint smell (though your room looks very pretty, little sister!) but there is also the warmth smell. Yes- my radiator is officially on and running! My feet are toasty now :) and also there is the classic warmth smell of my radiator. I don't know if it's because it's so old? But it smells like comfort and sleep and warmth and reminds me of curling under fluffy blankets.

There may be something that I want to do. Also, I really would like to be a cat when it comes to winter (although all the time would be good as well) because you can simply jump up onto a soft surface and curl up and sleep and sleep.

Ah, the best kind of life. BUT I would not catch and kill/try to kill mice and birds like my cats do. I'm never quite that hungry (not that our cats actually try to eat them, the losers).

Wait, I actually had something that I wanted to write about today, which is why I am gracing you with my presence. I am doing adulty things!

Firstly, I have registered to vote now, which is exciting. I can almost vote! Maybe there will be a general election in the year that I turn 18...although I suspect there will be one before that, unfortunately. I want to vote!

Kind of unrelated note: my family was talking about things that you're not allowed to do when voting (because we were watching Only Connect because we know how to party, and the connection was people who couldn't vote) and we decided that you would be allowed to take a cat into the voting area. I suggested allowing it to ride on your shoulders (like in a 'Streetcat Named Bob') but maybe that wouldn't be allowed because the cat could see what you were voting?

Okay so apparently (because I just went and did some research) you can take cats with you, you just have to check beforehand.

Bit of knowledge for you.

But I can vote now, when I reach 18. See if you can too! Everyone should vote- especially if you are not white/a woman/incredibly rich, because people fought for your right to vote.

And I also applied for my driving liscene this weekend, which is exciting. I was going to do it earlier, but when we sat down to fill out the stuff, we realised my passport was out of date. Oops. Anyway, I've done it now and I got the letter thingy in the post today so I have to fill that out and send it back. Then turn 17 (45 days!!!) and learn how to drive.

Man, that is a lot of things to do.

Adulting is so truly brilliant.

Before I go (and you shed a little tear because you already miss reading my blog) I will quickly share this link with you: I have published a recipe book on Wattpad and will (hopefully) be updating it semi-regularly.

Please don't forget to subscribe, and I leave you with this fun quote (linking to voting!) from Criminal Minds (Season 7, Episode 15): "Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact." (Honore de Balzac)


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