Why Do I Always Forget To Add A Title Until It's Too Late

Good evening, folks.

Today was an eventful day in all areas, linking back to two previous posts- Geography Fieldwork and visiting a Sixth Form.

Also, as I'm writing this, my cat is trying to sit on my laptop, so some of this may make no sense.

Let's start with the Geography Trip, shall we? Basically, we went to London to research the effectiveness of cycling schemes (hint: not too effective). We had to tally up modes of transport and (the best bit), we had to ask the public questions about their use of the cycles.

We ended up getting told that we couldn't talk to people where we were talking to them, which was strange and also funny at the same time.

Then we went to the Olympic Park (one of our many case studies is about it) and had a very very quick look around, before we went back home. (I slept on the way back. I'm pretty sure I'm secretly a cat- I woke up when we were about 15 minutes from school, told myself to stay awake, then went to sleep again because the sun was shining through the window and it was warm.)

And now onto the Sixth Form visit!

I went to Parkside last week, and today was Impington. I have already been there (for taster days) and now I am just very tired of having to make a decision.

They're both good schools, they both run the IB and the courses that I want to do, they both have positives and negatives, and I just want to be able to make a decision.


But aside from that, I had a great evening! My dad was still wearing his cycling cleats, so it sounded like he was walking on bones, and the Physics teacher was called Mr Crawford, so I immediately *hated* him because of Henry Crawford from Mansfield Park (Jane Austen).

So I leave you with a quote from Jane Austen, which does actually come from Mansfield Park: "We have all a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be".

Good evening!


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