My Generation
March for Our Lives. Maybe it's something that you've heard of, maybe it's not. But it is something that you should have heard of, and it is definitely something that you should think about. Most of you will have seen the news on February 14th, when there was a school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland , Florida. I know that I did, and I probably thought, oh no, not another one . Because this is our reality now. We are growing up in a world full of terrorist attacks, like the Manchester Bombings, and full of school shootings. My parents grew up in the shadow of the Cold War and nuclear destruction, as do we, but now we live under an even greater shadow of death and destruction. March for Our Lives was organised after the latest school shooting, when students decided that enough is enough. Twenty of the survivors formed Never Again, an advocacy campaign calling for gun control. Just like #MeToo is causing change regarding sexual...