(Possibly) Pointless International Days
Good morning! Quick question: is everyone else embracing the cooler weather?? I'm loving it- in fact, when it first rained, we all danced outside (and our neighbours literally started cheering). Anyway, I haven't written anything for ages (mostly because I don't go outside and nothing interesting ever happens to me) and I'm procrastinating from editing my novel (oops). What day is it today? 30th July means the birthday of one of my best friends! Shout out to her- have a great day! Today is also International Friendship Day, and National Cheesecake Day in the USA. To be honest, as much as I love cheesecake, I feel that International Friendship Day is ever so slightly more important. It must be nice to have your birthday on Friendship Day. I have National Mason Jar Day, National Mousse Day, and National Meth Awareness Day (why is this even a thing). Of course, it is also St. Andrew's Day, but whatever. Yesterday was Global Tiger Day, raising awareness for ...