Back from Temporary Hibernation so I Can (Totally) Do Stuff

Hi all! I'm back! Did you miss me? Did you miss the email pinging into your inbox, did you miss reading my (obviously hilarious) words scrawled out across the screen? Who am I kidding, of course you did. Anyway, I got back a few days ago (go and read my holiday posts if you haven't already- link is here ) and I am so tired. To be honest though, people keep asking if I am jetlagged, and the real answer is that I am so used to always feeling tired during the day and awake at night that I haven't noticed any difference. But today I wish to tell you all about the brilliant experience that I had of visiting Parkside Sixth Form College! Basically, I have decided to do the IB next year (instead of A-Levels) and that leaves two schools in the area: Parkside and Impington. The Open Day for Impington is next week (keep an eye out for that post- or, better yet, subscribe! Please!) but the one for Parkside was today, and let me tell you this: it's really hard to work ...